Saturday 6 December 2014

Does action and in action lead to the same path?

Do we feel differently in the end when we try?
 This is the question I was wondering the other day. This post has nothing to do with business or anything important in any way, except its kind of... well heart-felt.
So I have been discussing with some people about their lives, some of these people are in some kind of depression and in-action rut. They don't want to do anything with their lives, or try, because they feel that no matter what they do they will be unhappy and dissatisfied. They are kind of deeply dissatisfied with everything surrounding them and with themselves as well I guess. I was speaking with a friend when I told him about everything that I am trying to do, all my little projects, silly ideas, actions, future plans... and he told me 'yeah but in the end you are still dissatisfied right'. Well actually now that I think about it, I am a very restless kind of person. It just seems that no matter how much I do, I feel its never enough. I feel constantly dissatisfied with myself and I am always trying to improve. Sometimes I feel very depressed when I look at the business, and I feel it will never be good enough.
What makes all that we do worthwhile?
Why do we try for a better world and better ourselves when it feels totally pointless? 
Can banging your head against a brick wall break the wall in any way?
Can we make a dent in this society?
Can we be satisfied?
Can we really change the world?
I cannot answer all those questions yet.
I came to the conclusion that in the end, the feelings of goodness, happiness and satisfaction that I have felt from the Cafe and all our other projects have been extremely intense emotions. Also the feelings I have had with myself of dissatisfaction and discouragement have been equally as intense. Meaning the lows and the highs have been drastic.
I think then that it is the point that if you want to feel at all, you must move, you must be passionate and you must not let the fire in your heart die. You will not always feel good, you may feel even more depressed then ever at the lack of reaction you see from your efforts. But you will feel. All of these things are what make us alive.
Passion is that little flame that is inside each person, nurtured or neglected to each persons on actions on those things.
IN the end I think I will always choose to be a person who acts, who creates and who trys. I couldn't bear to sit at home and not do anything, it would slowly put out my flame, and I would feel nothing at all at some point in time. That is the one thing that I don't want. I know how badly it hurts to put your heart, soul and passion out on the front lines, to forge ahead with ideas, feelings, emotions and everything that you want. But in the end, you experience... you win some, you lose some, but you lived some.
A friend of mine once told me a very impassioned speech about life and he ended it with 'try or die... its always going to be that'.

SO the message for today, guys we are going to die anyways one day, lets not do it when we are 25, we must try or die to make the world and ourselves better in small ways everyday.  
And if we cannot change the world and we are deeply dissatisfied with our situation or surroundings, maybe this is the time for you to change YOU, you are after all a part of the world, in being better.. more loving, sincere, true, less superficial, more giving, kind and sharing, you are impacting change. 

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